A weekly jar swap.
Fill 6 jars with something good and delicious, keep 1 jar and forward on 5.
Agreement between households as to guidelines of jar contents eg vegan, organic, local, dumpstered etc
Time and place pickup, does this change or stay the same? Different house? Do we have dinner together and explain / share the story of what we have made?
How big is the locale? Walking distance? Bike riding?
What constitutes an acceptable offer? What to do when you dont want offer? Suprise or ask? If considering as a whole household maybe everything will work?
Offer at least one jar per week, can value add package + fresh herbs + lemons + soup + water etc
Once a month or every few weeks there could be a preparation day > in kitchens or gardens people coming together to prepare things together.
Sharing of resources > blenders, ovens, kitchen benchs, cars for mountain water collections.
Drop off could include a gathering around hot soup or fresh bread or cordial?
Different host each week?
Or simply a drop off swap zone > perhaps if taking this option should be the most central house.